Emma Turton is a medical intuitive, a pioneer of the healing space where science meets spirituality and medicine meets metaphysics.

As founder and director of the Medical Intuition School™, Emma has dedicated her life to creating a ground-breaking system to revolutionise the approach to health – a shining beacon in the dark tunnel of disease management.

This Program Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement) is a legally binding contract between you, (the “Participant”), and Medical Intuition School™ ABN 52727304518 and covers the purchase of the Programs referred to below. 

In this Agreement ” Medical Intuition School™”, “Emma Turton” and “the Facilitator” is referred to interchangeably as Emma is the creator and Facilitator of all Programs owned by her company. 

Please read this Agreement carefully and contact if you would like to discuss any aspect of this Agreement.  

You are deemed to have accepted the terms contained in this Agreement upon payment of fees for your selected Program. All fees outlined below are in USD and inclusive of GST where appropriate.


1.  Term :

    1. This Agreement will begin upon payment of the Programs fees. 
    2. It will apply for the duration of the Programs and completion of any payment plan going beyond the length of the Programs.

2.  Programs 

Emma Turton currently offers the following courses (” Programs”) at the Medical Intuition School™

  1. Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer –

2 tiers:

  1. Live Immersion 4 months USD$3000
  2. Live Immersion 1:1 with Emma 4 months USD$7500

Medical intuition 1 Activate Your Inner Healer teaches participants how to become their own Medical Intuitive so they can heal from within.  

Payment Plans are available – See paragraph 3.1 below.

      1. Inclusions – 2 tiers
        1. Live Immersion  – 4 months
          1. Introduction to Medical Intuition
          2. Principles and practices of Medical Intuition for life and health
          3. Pre-recorded online training content (video, audio, pdf)
          4. Private Facebook group
          5. Energetic scaffolding – the inclusion of the Participant in Emma’s daily energetic practice 
        2. Live Immersion 1-on-1 with Emma – 4 months
          1. Introduction to Medical Intuition
          2. Principles and practices of Medical Intuition for life and health
          3. Pre-recorded online training content (video, audio, pdf)
          4. Private Facebook group
          5. Email and messenger support from Emma, as required (Monday-Friday)
          6. Energetic scaffolding – the inclusion of the Participant in Emma’s daily energetic practice
          7. 4 x 90-minute 1:1 Medical Intuitive Guidance Consultations with Emma.
      2. Expected outcomes
        • Increased trust in your intuition
        • A new framework for your health and spirituality
        • Increased sense of wellbeing 
        • Reduction, reversal and possible elimination of physical symptoms
        • A solid doable daily practice 
        • Ability to identify, understand and shift your symptoms
        • A management process for all future health issues


  1. All Medical intuitive guidance consultations, where included, are delivered via Zoom and must be booked and completed with the 4 month program duration unless otherwise agreed. 
  2. Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer is a pre-requisite for Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training – see paragraph 1.2 below. 


2.  Medical Intuition Practitioner Accelerator – 30 days intensive

      1. The Medical Intuition Practitioner Accelerator is provided as a pathway for latecomers who have missed the Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer pre-requisite intake to the Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training.
      2. The Medical Intuition Practitioner Accelerator is run concurrently with the Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training.
      3. The Medical Intuition Practitioner Training program is by application interview only.
      4. Admission is not guaranteed.


3.  Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training PLUS Medical Intuition Practitioner Accelerator – Not currently available


4.  Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training – 12 months USD$18000

Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training is an international professional training course for health practitioners, healers and others to become professional Medical Intuition Practitioners. 

  1. Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer is a pre-requisite for this Program.
  2. Payment Plans are available – See paragraph 3.2 below. 
  3. Inclusions 
    • 11 (minimum) Live online group practice classes delivered every second week.
    • Pre-recorded online training content (video, audio, pdf)
    • Comprehensive student manual
    • Textbooks – following hardcopy textbooks are posted out to Participants and remain the property of the Participant:
      • Anatomy & Physiology in Health and Illness, by Waugh and Grant
      • Anatomy & Physiology Colouring and Workbook, by Waugh and Grant
      • Quantum Supplements: A total health and wellness makeover with vitamins, minerals and herbs, by Deanna Minich
    • Private Facebook group
    • Email and messenger support from Emma
    • Energetic scaffolding -Inclusion of the Participant in Emma’s daily energetic practice
    • 6 Guest expert classes
    • Additional pop-up expert classes as determined from time to time.
    • 3 x 90-minute 1:1 Medical Intuitive Guidance Consultation. Delivered via Zoom and must be used within the twelve (12) months unless otherwise agreed.

Expected Outcomes

  • A deeper understanding of professional Medical Intuition including how to do a Medical Intuitive reading
  • Working knowledge of physical anatomy and physiology, metaphysical anatomy, nutrition
  • An understanding of client ethics 
  • An understanding of how to package your services as a practitioner
  • A highly credible and insurable qualification that is registrable with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
  • Ability to practice as a professional Medical Intuition Practitioner (Medical Intuition Meta-T (TM) Practitioner) under IICT.
  • Ability to earn an income as a qualified Medical Intuitive
  • Ability to create a new spiritual business or career direction with your intuitive work, while living an intuitive life
  • Access to high-level support and a soul-aligned community to continue your personal, spiritual, and Medical Intuitive guidance journey. 

Assessments and Protocols

  1. Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training requires the following assessment 
    1. Module 1: written assignment
    2. Module 2: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) assessment
    3. Module 3: written assignment
    4. Practice Case Study submission
    5. Final Case Studies submission.

Resubmission protocol

  1. Module 1,2, and 3 – students may resubmit assignments or resit the MCQ if the minimum standard or mark is not achieved
  2. Practice case study submissions are for feedback only
  3. Final case studies: if a minimum standard is not achieved with the initial case study submission (3 case studies), students will be required to produce more case studies. 
  4. Students have three (3) chances to submit case studies allowed. 
  5. Suppose a student still fails to achieve the minimum requirement. In that case, they may be invited to join the following year’s class so that they can continue their studies and further practice the skills. This invitation is dependent on their participation and performance within the original 12-month Program.
  6. There is no refund for failure to complete or pass the Program.


  1. All Medical intuitive guidance consultations are delivered via Zoom and must be booked and completed within the 12-month program duration unless otherwise agreed. 


3.  Qualifications

Upon successful completion, participants will receive either or both (according to enrolment)

    1. Certificate of Completion: Medical Intuition 1 – An introduction to Medical Intuition; or
    2. Certificate of Qualification: Medical Intuition 2 – Medical Intuition Practitioner


4.  Fees and Payment

You understand and agree:

Payment options for the Programs are as follows: 

1.  Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer 

    1. Tier 2: Live Immersion (4 months) USD $3000 (payment in full); or 
    2. Tier 3: 1-on-1 With Emma (4 months) USD $7500; or

Payment Plan 

    1. Tier 2: Live Immersion (4 months) USD $3200 – four (4) monthly payments of USD $800 OR eight (8) monthly payments of USD $400
    2. Tier 3: 1-On-1 With Emma (4 months) – USD $8000 – four (4) monthly payments of USD $2000


2.  Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training PLUS Medical Intuition Practitioner Accelerator 

    1. not currently available

Payment Plan

    1. not currently available


3.  Medical Intuition 2: Medical Intuition Practitioner Training

    1. USD $18000 (payment in full); or

Payment Plan

    1. USD $19998 – eighteen (18) monthly payments of USD $1111

Combined enrolment discount 

  1. A combined enrolment discount may be offered to participants who enrol in both Programs.
  2. Discount and payment plan amounts are determined at the time of enrolment and are calculated how far in advance from the commencement of the pre-requisite Program (Medical Intuition 1: Activate Your Inner Healer), enrolment occurs.
  3. Tailored payment plans may be negotiated upon request for both Programs at the entire discretion of Emma Turton.
  4. All fees are in Australian Dollars and exclude GST (Australian Good and Services Tax). Participants located in Australia are required to pay GST in addition to these prices.
  5. Payment is accepted by Credit Card (via Stripe) or direct bank transfer to our nominated bank account details provided in the invoice. 

4.  Late payments

  1. You are responsible for ensuring that payments are made on time. 
  2. Emma Turton reserves the right to cease program access until the due fees are paid in full.
  3. If an account is beyond 30-days overdue, Emma Turton reserves the right to turn account to third party collections. 
  4. At this time, this Agreement will be terminated, and no further access to the Program will be provided.

5.  Variation

  1. Emma Turton reserves the right to vary fees at any time.
  2. Changes in fees will not affect you and will only apply to a new round of the program delivery.


6.  Refund Policy 

You understand and agree:

    1. You may withdraw from any Program for any reason within seven (7) days from the date of purchase of the Program (fees apply see below), with the exception of Self Study Programs
    2. All withdrawal requests must be in writing to
    3. A refund less $2000 for the learning materials released at the commencement of Program and administration costs, will be provided within 14 days of notification of withdrawal.
    4. Where a refund request is made before the release of any materials, a refund less $1000 administration fee will be provided.
    5. No refund is available after seven (7) days from date of purchase of any Program.
    6. You remain liable for the remainder of the Program fee regardless of whether you paid in full or by payment plan. (Please see Refund Management for reasons other than a change of mind below).


7.  Refund Management

You understand and agree:

  1. Your commitment to your success and completion of your selected Program is required to gain maximum results from the Program. 
  2. Refund requests after seven (7) days of date of purchase of any Program will be managed according to our obligations and your rights as a consumer under Australian Consumer Law. 
  3. Refund requests will be considered on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed. 
  4. Where your payment method is via a payment plan, costs will be calculated and deducted from the total fees owing to Medical Intuition School™.
  5. You will remain liable for the balance for payment owed to Medical Intuition School™.
  6. Failure to pay at any time is a breach of this Agreement, and we are entitled to seek legal relief and remedy for this breach and to recover the debt owed by you. 
  7. Outstanding accounts will be referred to a third party for debt collection. 


8.  Day to day communication

You understand and agree:

  1. Day to day communication for the duration of the Programs is via the Facebook Support Group.
  2. The Facebook Group helps build connections and facilitate group learning and peer support and education. 
  3. Unless your communication is personal or confidential, you are requested to post all questions, comments, and observations to the Facebook Group.
  4. With any private matters such as queries regarding the Program, accounts, or personal issues, please email
  5. Emails are responded to within 48 hours during business hours, Monday to Friday.
  6. The Facilitator will respond to group questions within 24 hours on business days only.  


9.  Participant Expectations 

  1. Participants are required to 
  • be open to seeing the human body in a different way
  • be open to a new foundation of spiritual beliefs and practices 
  • be open to learning a new framework for their life and health
  • learn and practice new skills
  • commit to daily meditation practice or be willing to commit to a new daily meditation practice
  • be self-disciplined and self-motivated with study and skills practice.
  1. Your commitment includes but is not limited to:
  • completing the entire Program, you have purchased with full participation
  • attending all live calls 
  • being present and engaged in the private Facebook Support Group
  • being committed to achieving your defined outcomes
  • being supportive of others in the Program
  • attending your scheduled private consultations with the Facilitator.


10.  Facebook Support Group

  1. The private Facebook Group is by invitation only for Program Participants.
  2. The sole purpose of the Facebook Support Group is to provide a private forum for Participants to ask questions and access group coaching calls. 
  3. You agree to abide by the Facebook Group rules of conduct, privacy and confidentiality of group discussions, member details and posts relating to their personal stories and businesses.  
  4. You are prohibited from promoting your business, other Facebook groups and similar programs to that of the Programs under this Agreement, in the Facebook Group or by private message to other group participants. 
  5. Toxic, abusive and disrespectful conduct will result in removal from the Facebook Support Group. 
  6. Sharing of posts from the Facebook Group, including images, is strictly prohibited, and this conduct will result in immediate removal from the group.
  7. You will respect the confidentiality of each Participant in all group coaching calls. 
  8. You will not discuss another participant or their personal stories in either an individual or professional context, outside the group for any reason whatsoever without the express written permission of the Participant. 


11.  Technology issues

  1. If there are any problems with the website or if the host or network should go down due to circumstances beyond our control, Medical Intuition School™ shall not be held responsible. 
  2. We will do our best to get the system back up as soon as possible when it is within our control.
  3. Medical Intuition School™ shall not be liable to you or any other party because of any viruses or malware that may infect your or any other party’s electronic equipment. 
  4. You agree that you:
    1. will not use any robot, spider or other devices, process or means to access the Program
    2. will not compromise or circumvent the security controls of the Program or otherwise gain unauthorised access to the Program
    3. will not attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Program.


12.  Program Portal

  1. You will be required to register your details to create a password to access the Program content in the Program Portal. 
  2. It is your responsibility to ensure the details you provide are correct and current. 


13.  Password security 

  1. You are solely responsible for the protection and confidentiality of any password that may be issued to or subscribed for by you from time to time.  
  2. You will not share your password to any other person. 
  3. You will immediately notify us if your password is lost or becomes known to any other person. 
  4. You are solely responsible for access and use of this Site via your password, whether such access or use is by you or any other person; and 
  5. The personal information you provide to the Program will be managed according to our Privacy Policy at


14.  Confidentiality

  1. All information shared with the Facilitator during individual coaching sessions is confidential and will not be shared with a third party unless required by law. 
  2. Personal and business information provided by you is managed by our Privacy Policy.


15.  Intellectual Property and Copyright

  1. All material including but not limited to videos, call recordings, resource downloads, and templates available in the Program and within any program created by Emma Turton are the property of Emma Turton and the Medical Intuition School™ and their affiliates or licensors. They are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. 
  2. As a Participant and Practitioner, you are bound, at all times to ensure that you do not breach our intellectual property rights at any time for any reason.
  3. You may not use any of the materials available in the Program or any teaching platform or in a manner that infringes any of our rights, or that has not been expressly authorised by us.
  4. All material including but not limited to videos, call recordings, resource downloads, and templates available in the Program and within any program created by Emma Turton is provided solely for your personal and non-commercial use. 
  5. Practitioners may use the material for the delivery of Medical Intuition services to their clients, and use of materials is restricted to this purpose only. 
  6. Use of materials for any other commercial purpose is prohibited without the express written permission of Emma Turton.
  7. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material the Program or related programs without the express permission of Emma Turton. You may request such permission by emailing

16.  Disclaimer 

You understand and agree:

    1. You have engaged Emma Turton’s services and purchased the Program at your own risk.
    2. All content, resources and coaching are provided for personal use and information only.
    3. Emma Turton does not offer any representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding your results from the Programs.
    4. Emma Turton cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or improvements with your health or otherwise with our coaching, tools, ideas, information, or strategies.   
    5. Results are dependent on various factors including but not limited to your current health status, financial status, commitment, personal ability, and dedication, and in no way dependent on any information or strategy provided to you by Emma Turton.

17.  Medical disclaimer  

    1. Emma Turton is a qualified intuitive guide, transformational nutrition coach and registered physiotherapist.
    2. Emma Turton is not a qualified doctor, psychologist, or counsellor. 
    3. Emma Turton does not claim to diagnose or heal conditions.
    4. The information provided in the Program is not intended to, cannot, and should not be expected to be a substitute for advice and treatment from a qualified medical practitioner. 
    5. Any changes you choose to make to your medication, health or treatment protocols should be discussed with your primary healthcare provider and is not intended to, cannot, and should not be expected to be a substitute for professional advice and treatment from a qualified healthcare professional.
    6. The Programs do not replace any treatment plans or protocols for diagnosed illnesses or medical conditions.
    7. You are advised to consult your doctor before making any health-related decisions during or as a result of participating in the Programs,


18.  Earnings disclaimer

    1. Medical Intuition School™ and Emma Turton cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money from mentoring, advice, ideas, information, or strategies provided in any Program. 
    2. You acknowledge that there is an inherent risk in any business enterprise or activity, and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money as a result of the purchase of any Program. 
    3. Nothing in the disclaimer above will limit or exclude any liability that may not be limited or excluded by applicable law.


19.  Limitation of Liability

You understand and agree:

    1. Liability for the services provided by Medical Intuition School™ and Emma Turton is governed solely by the Australian Consumer Law and these Terms and Conditions.
    2. Nothing in these Terms removes your Statutory Rights as a consumer under Australian Consumer Law.
    3. To the extent permitted by law, 
      1. Medical Intuition School™ and Emma Turton exclude all express or implied representations, conditions, guarantees, warranties, and terms relating to any Services except those set out in this Agreement.
      2. Medical Intuition School™ denies any liability in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential costs, losses, claims, damages, expenses or proceedings incurred or suffered by you arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with its services, including but not limited to any loss, damage or expense arising from any defect, error, imperfection, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with the information or advice provided by Emma Turton;
      3. Medical Intuition School™ guarantees all services are supplied to you with due care and skill and fit for the purpose that the services have been advertised.
      4. To the extent that Medical Intuition School™ is unable to exclude liability; total liability for loss or damage you suffer or incur from services by Medical Intuition School™ and Emma Turton is limited to re-supplying the Services to you, or, at our option, refund to you the amount you have paid for the Services to which your claim relates.

20.  Dispute Resolution

You understand and agree:

  1. You will contact Emma Turton immediately with any concerns for quick and effective resolution through friendly consultation.
  2. In the event of a dispute you agree to the following Dispute Resolution Procedure:
    1. You must advise Emma Turton in writing of the nature of the dispute, the outcome you seek and what actions you believe will settle the dispute. 
    2. You agree to meet with a key representative of Emma Turton in person or via Zoom or Skype, in good faith to seek to resolve the dispute by Agreement and compromise.
    3. If an agreement cannot be reached to resolve the dispute, any party may refer the dispute for mediation to the Law Society of Western Australia (WA).
    4. Both parties must attend the mediation provided by the Law Society of WA in good faith, to seek to resolve the dispute.
  3. Litigation via the court process may only be considered after a genuine attempt at mediation bought by either party, is unsuccessful. 
  4. Confidentiality is paramount to both parties personal and professional reputations and standing in their business and community.
  5. At no time will any communications or discussions be made public including but not limited to any social media platforms or websites of either party. 
  6. Any public discussion or comments about either party will be considered defamatory, harmful or otherwise damaging. They will be the subject of compensation in any mediation or litigation claim.


21.  Governing Law 

You understand and agree:

    1. The Terms and Conditions of this Agreement are governed and construed under the laws of Western Australia. 
    2. Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.

Thank you for reading this Agreement.  By proceeding with your payment, you accept the Program Terms and Conditions contained in this Agreement.